AED Computer Services
80 Wigshaw Lane, Culcheth, WARRINGTON WA3 4NF
Tel.: 01925 766426 Mob.: 07870 260657

Servicing the PC Needs of Home and Small Business Users in the North Warrington Area since 2003
Home Page Services provided to Small Business and the Home User include:

Installation and configuration of Hardware: Printers, Scanners, Modems, Network Interface cards, additional memory, Hard Disks, Motherboards, Processor upgrades, etc.

Installation and configuration of Software: Windows Operating Systems, Networking software (including sharing an internet connection), and all other software running on Windows.

Diagnosis of PC related problems and rectification, including Operating System and other software problems.

I am also able to solve some problems remotely, assuming that you have internet access. Click here to read about remote access
